Turning 65?

Medicare – the federal health insurance program – is generally available to those Americans who are 65 or older and who have paid (or, who have a current or former spouse who has paid) Medicare taxes while working for a certain amount of time (usually 40 quarters).
Unless you have already begun receiving Social Security benefits, you will not be enrolled automatically. You will need to enroll through the Social Security Administration HERE. If, however, you have already begun receiving Social Security benefits, you are generally enrolled automatically and should receive your Medicare card in the 3 months preceding your 65th birthday. If you do not receive notification, contact the Social Security Administration.
You will be eligible to enroll in the program 3 months before the month in which you turn 65 and as late as 3 months after the month in which you turn 65. The effective date for the program will be the first of the month that you turn 65, unless you turn 65 on the first of the month, in which case your Medicare will be effective the first of the preceding month.
Unless you meet the conditions for postponement, you must enroll during this period to avoid future penalties.